Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Merry Mongrel Christmas

Well another season finishes with a bye in the quarters, a night including the semi-final, 2 hour break at the pub then the final. Still we have failed to grab the illusive silver medal.

Fine form was displayed by all including the reserve monkey who passed well and served consistently.

There were a couple of close calls with Cookie temporarily blinded and Frankie copping a loose delivery in the chops. Mergard shone, Bonky made noise and Blatchy was just Blatchy. Enough said.

They have threatened to change nights next season but we are not sure if this is a diversionary tactic or for real.

Anyway Merry Christmas from and to the Monrgels. Have a safe and enjoyable festive season.

Team photo from Cookies Wedding.

Assistant Photographer
Mongrels Bridal and Party Services Inc

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Secret training camp

It is believed the Mongrels went into hiding over the weekend and it remains a mystery as to what happened. Mobile phones were offline and secrecy surrounds the where abouts of what is reputed to be a "Team Building" activity.

Sources close to the team have revealed that a number of crew members were allegedly kidnapped from their beds on Friday and were taken blindfolded to a mystery island location where they were put through a number of psychologically and physically strenuous activities.

It has been suggested that some of the crew were given special tasks to perform including being stranded on the other side of the island, trying to tame wild rum beasts and compete in the World U45 Lawns Bowls Championships.

It is rumoured special coaching staff from the Titans were invited to run the players through their paces but no one is mentioning any names.

It has been revealed that a number of small craters have mysteriously appeared at a local bowls club and several other locations but this has been put down to an unknown pirate raiding party running around with cannon balls (Ha Zar).

Suggestions have been made that the rum allowance for each member of the crew was exceeded and that tripping hazards were dealt with in an unfair manner.

All in all the team seems to be the worse for wear leading up to tonight's game to the extent that several imports have been rumoured to make an appearance.


Cabin Boy
Mongrels Pirate Enterprises.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

A letter to a Mongrel

The following communication related to the latest final result has been intercepted by ASIO through encoded communication.


Hey Biddie,

I know you want or need to know, we won 84 - 48.

We ate NO pizza and Frankie stole all the medals! We didn't pay, but the guy was going to look into whether we should and he may hit us up next week - this is usually the perfect time to give the game away. As far as we know there are games on next week but I have this feeling we are due for a bye.

The game was just the usual nothing special, Bonky served into the net at least once, they kept tipping just in front of him and there was this great line hit that well didn't quite come close to anywhere near the court.

Puss picked out purple shirt on a number of occasions and managed to hit tape more often than not.

Cookie well he had one thing to do in back court and well what can I say - he may want to go back to setting.

Frankie was superb and everything she touched turned to gold and, well, I carried the team as usual, apart from the two missed serves, the numerous bad sets, the bad calls etc.... but there was this one handed block that deserves mention - the crowd went wild and the other team was ready to give up and just concede. Actually they stopped the clock just so we could all absorb the true magic that I brought to the game - it was very moving. Anyway enough about my heroics - hope your ok for next week.

Steve (The Magician) Blatchford

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Rebel league?

The challenge has been given. The gauntlet has been thrown down. The phone number has been written on the toilet wall.

Do you dare to take on the Mongrels?

In lieu of all opponents falling before the might of the Mongrels game, they have now looked to recruit opponents from outside of normal channels.

A mass media campaign is sweeping the world with the call going out to all comers to come and challenge the Mongrels at the Grammar Dome in front of massive crowds of rabid supporters.

"We can no longer rely on the current governance of this sport to provide quality opposition. We need to take our future into our own hands." came the cry from Mongrels administrative office staff.

The challenge has gone out to the men's and women's teams competing in a variety of other small town tournaments to put together mixed teams and try their luck.

The next round of challenges will take place from the 4th of September 2007 at Brisbane Grammar Sports Hall on Tuesday nights. Details can be found on the Spiker Sports International Web Portal.

Have you got what it takes?


Chief Spruker
Mongrels Entertainment Agents Inc.

Monday, August 06, 2007

Claytons volleyball

Spiker Sports = The volleyball competition you have when not having a volleyball competition.

The Mongrels team is seriously considering taking it's business elsewhere as they recently received late notification that there will be no games this week.

Rumours abound as no feasible excuse has been given apart from 'the venue is unavailable'.

It is believed that the annual World Toad Licking Championships have booked out a majority of indoor venues around the city this Tuesday night and the sponsor dollar for such activities is a major earner.

Mongrels management have taken up legal action through their firm of Scrummy Yummy Delicious and Associates for lost earnings in only playing one game in the last four weeks.

Two mystery 'byes' have appeared in the draw for the Mongrels whilst other teams have had double headers and this is desperately eating into their sponsor dollars.

"Unless we see some action and I mean now, we will have to look at alternative ventures." quoted Mongrels middle management.

Of course this is playing merry hell with the bookies who are trying to set up the odds for Mongrels to win another silver medal this season.

There are only the Semi-Finals and Finals left and the Mongrels will have gone for 3 weeks without touching a ball to try and defend their title.

Only time will tell if they can hold on for the duration.


Precedents Clerk
Scrummy Yummy Delicious and Associates
A member of the Mongrels Group International.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

They're back

Another fun loving season of mediocre volleyball has begun again with the Mongrels fielding a team in the Copa Australia Tournament for the 6th season in a row.

This season has also seen the return of Mad Dog, one of the giants of the game in his hey day.

The season has started as usual for the team with injuries to Blatchy's right thigh and Bonky's pride.

The appearance of Pussa has been random due mostly to his new role with ASIO and the top secret missions he is involved with, but also due to him not checking the timetable.

Last round saw the Mongrels come up against a top of the table rival who was pulling out all stops to try and get one over on the old dogs.

The end result was a last minute draw from a block on Bonky causing brain failure and lobbing of psychological grenades.

The sports psychology unit at QAS has been working non-stop to get him back into shape for tonight's match.

The Mongrels have yet to face the new comers to the competition, the Bundy Birds and this clash is eagerly awaited.

Unfortunately they have fallen fowl of the injury fairy and produced some doosies reminiscent of Uni Games folleys.

Go the mighty Mongrels!!


Rental Subsidy Administrative Officer
Mongrels Federal Parliamentary Division