Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Mongrels on Target for Silver

In a glorious display of equity, the Mongrels have shown their true form to pave the pathway to silver with a loss in a recent match against.

Resting one of the male athletes to allow for a 50-50 split of gender, the team showed glimpses of skill in a tight Premier League match.

The aggressive blocking of Franky intimidated early on only to be matched by the poise and delicate movements of Blatchy.

Bonky ended up flat on his back at one stage during a rally after dealing with a streaker but got back to his feet to nail a traditional high ball through the middle.

Mongrels broke with tradition going with a three pronged setting rotation that had their opponent's as well as fellow team members confused.

The 23,007 strong crowd provided vocal and support for the Mongrels average result and were also quite supportive in offering advise and comments on gender, origin and personal habits of players.

At the after match press conference back at the team caravan park cabin, Mongrels management stated that this was a key loss for the team in achieving their aim of taking out second place. "The path to silver is paved with average results" stated the clubs press secretary.

This week sees the Mongrels come up against AIS at 8:00 pm at the sold out Grammar Dome. The match will be shown on delayed telecast in the southern states due to the Commonwealth Picnic Races being held in Melbourne.


Chief de Mission
Mongrels Commonwealth Games Team

Monday, March 06, 2006

Trouble at Mill

Mixed results over the past few weeks have seen the Mongrels looking for other sports with which to dominate.

Round 5 saw the no show of Mongrels opponents due to a mass kidnapping of players for the Xqsazm Club.

ASIO are still investigating the incident and it is rumored that some Mongrels Supporters are assisting with the investigation and being held in custody in a special Palm Island facility without charge in an attempt to guarantee public safety.

Promoters were able to pull together an 'All Stars' Team who finished ahead of the Mongrels on the buzzer.

Mongrels management said they could not understand the sudden form slump in the final moments of the match. They are investigating rumors of match fixing and are trying desperately to track down who the leak is so they can be paid off.

Round 6 saw a cross over round with the Aces reserve grade team giving the Mongrels a chance to experiment with the same rotation and play at the same average level.

After the game, Mongrels team members were approached by representatives from the QLD Handball League to gain support for a hybrid Handball/Rollerball/Gridiron/Rock'n'Roll Wrestling Cage Match to raise funds for the Mongrels Orphan Support Network. Negotiations are still taking place.

This weeks Round 7 match will see the Mongrels approach Borderline Insanity in the Grammar Dome at 6:30. Tickets are selling fast.


Acting Part-Time Administrative Supporting Assistant Intern
Mongrels Mass Media Marketing Inc.