Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Merry Mongrel Christmas

Well another season finishes with a bye in the quarters, a night including the semi-final, 2 hour break at the pub then the final. Still we have failed to grab the illusive silver medal.

Fine form was displayed by all including the reserve monkey who passed well and served consistently.

There were a couple of close calls with Cookie temporarily blinded and Frankie copping a loose delivery in the chops. Mergard shone, Bonky made noise and Blatchy was just Blatchy. Enough said.

They have threatened to change nights next season but we are not sure if this is a diversionary tactic or for real.

Anyway Merry Christmas from and to the Monrgels. Have a safe and enjoyable festive season.

Team photo from Cookies Wedding.

Assistant Photographer
Mongrels Bridal and Party Services Inc